author = {Han, Lin and Pham, Tony and Zhuo, Mingjing and Forrest, Katherine A. and Suepaul, Shanelle and Space, Brian and Zaworotko, Michael J. and Shi, Wei and Chen, Yao and Cheng, Peng and Zhang, Zhenjie},
title = {Molecular Sieving and Direct Visualization of CO2 in Binding Pockets of an Ultramicroporous Lanthanide Metal–Organic Framework Platform},
journal = {ACS Applied Materials \& Interfaces},
volume = {11},
number = {26},
pages = {23192-23197},
year = {2019},
doi = {10.1021/acsami.9b04619},
    note ={PMID: 31184107},

URL = { 
eprint = { 
