@Article{Pham2014b, author ="Pham, Tony and Forrest, Katherine A. and Georgiev, Peter A. and Lohstroh, Wiebke and Xue, Dong-Xu and Hogan, Adam and Eddaoudi, Mohamed and Space, Brian and Eckert, Juergen", title ="A high rotational barrier for physisorbed hydrogen in an fcu-metal-organic framework", journal ="Chem. Commun.", year ="2014", volume ="50", issue ="91", pages ="14109-14112", publisher ="The Royal Society of Chemistry", doi ="10.1039/C4CC05987E", url ="http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C4CC05987E", abstract ="A combined inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and theoretical study of H2 sorption in Y-FTZB{,} a recently reported metal-organic framework (MOF) with fcu topology{,} reveals that the strongest binding site in the MOF causes a high barrier to rotation on the sorbed H2. This rotational barrier for H2 is the highest yet of reported MOF materials based on physisorption."}